ain't no mom like a
Chemo Mom

It is impossible to explain how your life changes when you discover that your baby has a tumor in their brain caused by an incurable and rare cancer and I would never wish that feeling upon anyone.
And while life was hard and still offers it's challenges, being a chemo mom has brought our family a world of lessons and opportunities to grow and come together.
I am in awe of my little warrior and the way he shows up to life. He teaches us something daily and I hope that his tenacity, perseverance and positivity will teach you something too.

Meet Whitten John
Whitten John is a charismatic, wild, loving toddler. On June 24th we discovered 4 tumors in his little body (skull, pituitary and hip) and he was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer called Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis (LCH) as well as a rare disease called Diabetes Insipidus (DI). Learning to manage his DI and care has been really challenging, but we are doing our best every day! Momma hasn't been able to work as caretaking is now a full time job and then some. We recently were able to start him on a new chemotherapy administered at home to support his LCH battle AND manage his Diabetes Insipidus. We have started a 12 month journey and pray every day that these diseases do not follow him into the future. We are starting this fundraiser to bring awareness to the diseases and to support Whitten John's family as they learn to navigate trading in full time entrepreneurship for full time caregiving. As our family learns to traverse this new chapter, we are eager to continue the cause in order to give to LCH and DI research and associations and other families in need who find themselves in this very rare situation.
Thank you for being a part of our journey.