Well it's finally happening!!! I have been talking about starting this damn blog for about 4 years....but you know what doesn't make things happen?
Thinking doesn't make things happen - ACTION makes things happen.
So here we are in 2018, and I have about 349 blog subjects and documented journeys up in my brain (which is a VERY interesting place to live) and it's time for me to start type vomiting them all over this page - TA DAAAA!!! You ----> Are ----> WELCOME in advance!!
I know what you're thinking - Cals (let's start using nicknames right off the bat because you KNOW we are going to be fast friends.) Cals (I repeat b/c of my rant.) CALS!!!!! (damn it focus!) Well now I forget what I was thinking so I forget what you were thinking.... I need a quick break...
And I'm back after my literal 20 minute break - so I remember what your thinking. You're thinking, "What in the world are you even going to write about?" (AKA why would I even follow this)
Well I shall tell you - I am going to share about the interests in my life and the interesting things IN my life &...
I am on a global mission to IGNITE SMILES starting with you!
I want to help people feel happier, healthier and MORE CONFIDENT... realizing the beauty and potential in this life!
I have three primary "buckets" that will be main conversation points:

SO WELCOME TO MY WORLD!! And buckle up... because I don't even know where this crazy train is going but I KNOW it's gonna be off the hook (or chain or whatever the kids say these days...)